College of Education and Human Services

Admission Requirements

Admission Requirements

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教师教育计划分为三个阶段,是课程与教学计划委员会(CIPC)行动的结果。. The council, broadly representative of all colleges at the university, 在学生完成以下步骤后,认为学生对教师教育计划的申请处于第一阶段. A student who seeks entrance into the teacher education program does so after successful completion of 9 hours of education coursework; students will apply for the teacher education program while enrolled in EDU 21501.在学生被正式录取进入教师教育计划的第一阶段之前,学生将不允许参加大多数高级课程或方法课程. 所有入读教师教育项目和入读学生教学项目的申请材料必须在Foliotek完成并提交, 这是教育与公共服务学院所有课程使用的在线档案系统.

Stage One - Admission to Teacher Education

  1. The student has been accepted to Lindenwood University.
  2. 该学生已完成教育与人类服务学院至少9小时的课程.
  3. The student has achieved content area coursework GPA of 3.0, and a professional education coursework GPA of 3.0, with a minimum grade of C in all professional education courses. 
  4. The student has demonstrated evidence of competency in communications by passing ENGL 15000ENGL 17000, and general education oral communications classes with a grade of C or better. 首选的通识教育口语交流课程选项列在学习计划要求内.
  5. The student submits a completed Program Plan.
  6. The student must have qualifying scores on only one of the following assessments:
    • The student has attained a qualifying cut score of 220 on subtests #066, #067, and #068 of the Missouri General Education Assessment (MoGEA)
    • The student has attained a qualifying ACT composite score of 20
    • The student has attained a qualifying SAT composite score of 1050
    • 该学生在两项测试(#073和#074)中均达到220的合格初级MoCA分数
    • The student has attained a qualifying Paraprofessional exam score of 220
    If the student does not have a qualifying composite score on the ACT or SAT, but has qualifying scores on individual subject sections of the ACT or SAT, students can mix and match as needed to achieve qualifying scores. ACT的单项成绩是数学20分,阅读20分,英语20分. SAT的单项成绩是数学520分,阅读520分,写作520分 & Language. 在这些指标上被拒绝的学生可以上诉,要求进行全面审查.
  7. 所有材料必须上传到Foliotek并被接受,然后才能推荐给课程与教学计划委员会(CIPC)正式进入教师教育计划.

Stage Two - Admission to Student Teaching

Acceptance into Stage Two is required for admittance into student teaching. 所有申请教师教育项目和学生教学的申请必须在Foliotek完成并提交. The following are the requirements for admission to Stage Two:

  1. Candidate Information Sheet
  2. Resume Application
  3. Philosophy of Education
  4. Program Plan from his/her advisor
  5. TB Test Results
  6. The student must have qualifying scores on only one of the following assessments:
    • The student has attained a qualifying cut score of 220 on subtests #066, #067, and #068 of the Missouri General Education Assessment (MoGEA)
    • The student has attained a qualifying ACT composite score of 20
    • The student has attained a qualifying SAT composite score of 1050
    • 该学生在两项测试(#073和#074)中均达到220的合格初级MoCA分数
    • The student has attained a qualifying Paraprofessional exam score of 22
  7. If the student does not have a qualifying composite score on the ACT or SAT, but has qualifying scores on individual subject sections of the ACT or SAT, students can mix and match as needed to achieve qualifying scores. ACT的单项成绩是数学20分,阅读20分,英语20分. SAT的单项成绩是数学520分,阅读520分,写作520分 & Language.


  8. 教师候选人在密苏里州内容评估(MoCA)中获得及格分数.密苏里州内容评估(MoCA)是所有学生教师候选人所需的测试.
    • 密苏里州内容评估(MoCA)是所有学生教师候选人所需的测试. 该测试应在大部分课程内容成功完成后,在学生教学之前进行. 考生还必须通过适当的密苏里内容评估,以便推荐认证. MoCA考试的及格分数表明该教师候选人已经掌握了该学生将要教授的学科领域.
    • 正确的MoCA考试在密苏里教育工作者门户评估(MEGA)网站( If a student is unsure of which test to take after reviewing the website, the student may contact the Advising, Retention and Certification Center at (636) 949-4377 for more assistance.
  9. The teacher candidate has completed all required coursework. The teacher candidate is expected to have a minimum content GPA of 3.0. If the teacher candidate has a content GPA between a 2.75-2.99,并在适当的认证领域通过密苏里州含量评估,测量标准误差在220以上, 教师候选人仍然可以达到内容GPA要求,进入学生教学.
  10. Three Letters of Recommendation
  11. Family Care Safety Registry Clear Background Check
  12. Travel Waiver
  13. Confidentiality Agreement
  14. Substitute Certificate
  15. Professional Liability Insurance
Teaching applications must be completed and submitted by:
  • October 15 for Spring Semester
  • April 15 for Fall Semester

Stage Three – Completion of the Teacher Education Program

  1. 教师候选人必须获得最低专业教育课程GPA为3.0.
  2. The teacher candidate is expected to have a minimum content GPA of 3.0.
  3. The teacher candidate must successfully complete the student teaching course, EDU 41000, 包括澳门威尼斯人平台官网大学确定的所有研讨会和作品集要求,以支持密苏里州教育评估系统(MEES)评估评估. The portfolio must be completed before a grade will be issued for student teaching.
  4. 候选人还需要完成密苏里州教育工作者评估系统(MEES),并获得满意的分数,以推荐认证.


Each state issues its own teaching certificates based on its own requirements. 通过国家规定的毕业评估并成功完成计划的学位课程, 每个澳门威尼斯人平台官网大学教育与人类服务学院的学生都申请在密苏里州教书的认证. 希望在其他州获得认证的学生应该向学生正在寻求认证的州内的教育部门寻求建议. 在教育与公共服务学院的网页上有一份联系人列表. The Lindenwood certification officer at can assist students who are pursuing certification in other states.

International students or students who have completed high school outside of the U.S. are also required to complete coursework in the following areas:

  • English composition, two courses, each a minimum of three credit hours.
  • U.S. history, three credit hours.
  • U.S. (National) government, three credit hours

希望获得中学教学证书的学生必须在他们希望教学的内容(学科)领域获得文学学士或理学学士学位, additionally, complete the requirements for either of the following minors:

  • Minor in education (Grades K-12)
  • Minor in secondary education (Grades 9-12)

注意:寻求K-12年级或9-12年级认证的学生在被澳门威尼斯人平台官网录取时将与一名专业顾问一起工作. Upon completion of a number of successful terms at Lindenwood, 追求K-12年级或9-12年级认证的学生将过渡到教育和人类服务学院的内容领域顾问和顾问,以确保满足所有DESE认证要求. These requirements may exceed the requirements for the degree in the content area.

Curriculum & Instruction - Teacher Ed